Student Health


Over the Counter/Non-prescription Medications:

HDSB staff are not permitted to store nor administer non-prescription medication. If your child requires over-the-counter medication at school (e.g. Tylenol), you will need to attend the school to administer it to your child yourself, or, alternatively, you can obtain a prescription from the healthcare provider and have it dispensed by the pharmacist with a prescription label. This policy also applies to field trips and overnight excursions.

Prescribed Medications Self-Administered by Students:

If your child can take their prescription medication independently (without adult support), you can complete the Authorization for Self-Administration of Prescribed Medication form. This form does NOT require the signature of a Healthcare Provider. We will store your child’s medication in the office, but your child will administer the medication independently.

Prescribed Medications Administered by School Staff:

If your child requires the support of school staff to take their medication (e.g. to measure the dosage), you must complete the Request for School Personnel to Administer Prescribed Medication form. This form DOES require the signature of a Healthcare Provider, so you will want to bring this with you to the appointment.


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Prevalent Medical Conditions

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